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We Value Growth

We believe “growth” and “value” are not in opposition but are inextricably linked. While the initial qualifying screens may differ by strategy, the consistent themes across all four include businesses that offer differentiated products and services, a consistent, sustainable earnings growth history, and strong cash flow generation operated by shareholder-oriented management.

Concentrated investing through a risk-managed lens

Risk is more complex than a simple definition. It can be measured in several ways and is not limited to quantitative elements. We are always mindful of the risks we are taking across our portfolios and have built a process that endeavors to adequately compensate us for taking those risks.

100% independent and aligned to client outcomes for over 50 years.

Torray Investment Partners is owned and operated by the people responsible for the day-to-day management of the firm and client capital. Our simple structure, collaborative approach, and partnership mentality underpin the many competitive advantages we offer our clients.

Our Strategies

Concentrated Large Growth

focuses primarily on U.S. businesses with a history of consistent growth and profitability. The objective is...

focuses primarily on U.S. businesses with a history of consistent growth and profitability. The objective is to provide attractive risk-adjusted returns across market cycles by concentrating investments in companies the portfolio management team believes can sustain above-market rates of shareholder value creation.

Small/Mid Cap Growth

invests in businesses offering differentiated products and services with consistent earnings...

invests in businesses offering differentiated products and services with consistent earnings growth and strong cash flow generation, operated by management focused on creating long-term shareholder value. The objective is to patiently hold these businesses as compound our client’s capital with little interruption.

Large Value Equity

seeks to build wealth over time by investing in a limited number of businesses with...

seeks to build wealth over time by investing in a limited number of businesses with demonstrated records of profitability and conservative financial structures operated by good stewards of capital. The objective is to use a value orientation and business-owner’s mindset to reduce the range of uncertainty over the long term.

Equity Income

seeks to earn a high and growing dividend yield using a concentrated, low turnover approach...

seeks to earn a high and growing dividend yield using a concentrated, low turnover approach to invest across the capital structure of businesses with stable and growing revenues, earnings, cash flows and dividends. The objective is long-term appreciation and preservation of capital.

About Torray

We are an independent, 100% staff-owned boutique investment manager specializing in concentrated equity investing using an integrated approach to risk management with a record of creating value for our clients. We seek to partner with like-minded investors who understand and appreciate the differentiated nature of our approach and how our strategies can enhance a well-diversified portfolio.

Our Team

Why Invest With Torray?

Our approach

Consistent and repeatable process focused on thoughtful risk management that has been successfully deployed over multiple market cycles.

Our Structure

Institutional-quality boutique built on client trust earned through access, execution, and transparency over time.

Our People

Experienced, stable, motivated, and aligned with clients’ long-term goals.

Investment Approach

We believe competitive risk-adjusted returns come from concentrating client capital in businesses that offer differentiated products and services, have multiple layers of competitive advantages, a history of consistent growth in key financial metrics and are operated by shareholder-oriented management.

We use a series of proprietary quantitative screens and fundamental business analysis to identify the best opportunities and seek to build concentrated portfolios that are well-diversified across sectors, industries, and growth drivers.

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